Crochet horse

I got this book for my birthday and I decided to try out the pattern for the zebra but I wanted it to be a horse instead. I think it turned out pretty great. 
I made it in 100% wool with a 5 mm hook and it’s about 30 cm tall. 
I used felt eyes insted of crocheting the eyes that’s how lazy I am 🙂

Hæklet abe

Jeg har godt nok mange projekter og ikke ret meget tid. Men da min svigerinde sendte mig denne opskrift kunne jeg alligevel ikke lade være med at kaste mig ud i den. 

Jeg syntes den er ret god og datteren vil gerne ha en i lilla 🙂
Den er inspireret af Kay Bojesens træabe. 
Man skal være opmærksom på at det ikke er tilladt at sælge mønster eller det færdige produkt men mønsteret må gerne deles. 
Jeg syntes det var nødvendigt at trække snoren flere gange igennem arme og ben for at det sad ordenligt. Hvis man er omhyggelig med at ramme samme sted kan de sagtens stadig dreje rundt. Jeg er nervøs for at det med tiden ellers glider fra hinanden og bliver løst. Men det er jo en smagssag. 
Tak for et super godt mønster som kan findes her:
Er i gang med en lilla til min datter 🙂
Så blev prinsessens abe endelig færdig 

Elsa hat

My 3 year old daughter just loves frozen, like many other little girls do. And Elsa is her favorite! She has already seen the movie like 10 times. And she plays out scenes from it. It’s so cute. 

So when I found this pattern I just knew that I had to make it. A perfect little morning gift for Christmas tomorrow 🙂

I had a little trouble with the size. It can be my yarn or the hook that was the problem. I’m not sure. But the first hat was way too small. So I had to make a new one. I added an extra round of decreasing so I ended up with 55 st before the ribbing insted of 44. My ribbing is not as wide as in the pattern.  

I used a different snowflake though, I like this one better. I couldn’t get the other one to look like a snowflake, it looked like a star.  

I think it turned out pretty great and she loves it! That’s the most important thing 🙂
Merry Christmas 
The pattern for the hat can be found here: 
The snowflake pattern can be found here:

Nisse/ Elf

I love Christmas, who doesn’t 🙂
So I got the idea to this nisse, or elf. 
It’s quite simple. 
I just croched a cone and changed color for the hat, face and body. 
Start with a magic circle. 
Round 1: 3 sc into the circle. 
Round 2: 2 sc in every st.
Now increase by 2 st in every round until the hat is the desired size. 
Use a stitch marker to mark the beginning of the round. 
Change color and do a couple of rounds in white. Keep increasing by 2 st every round. 
Change color again to make the face and again to make the body. Still increasing by 2 every round. Keep going until the body is the desired size. Fasten of and cut the yarn. 
Now make a circle for the bottom. 
Make a magic circle 
Round 1: 6 sc into the circle 
Round 2: 2 sc in every st
Now increase by 6 every round. 
(Round 3: 1 sc in first st 2 sc in next st 6 times. Round 4: 1 sc in first 2 st 2 sc in next st 6 times and so on)
Until the circle is big enough to cover the bottom of the cone. Leave a long tail. 
Weave in all ends but the one on the circle. Stuff the cone and stitch the circle to the cone using a tapestry needle. 
Make a mouth with black yarn. Eyes and buttons are made out of felt and glued on. 
Enjoy 🙂